Shipping and Returns
Returns Policy
Exchange only, no money back, in store credit only. Merchandise must arrive back to us within 14 days of the confirmed delivery date indicated by your order’s tracking number. Items must be in brand new condition. No signs of wear, tags attached, unwashed, unaltered, stain free, makeup free, smoke free and deodorant free. All SALES items are a final sale...this means small sales or big exceptions...if you send items back that were on the sale they will be donated to a local charity!!!
Return Process
Detailed guidelines for returns/exchanges:
- Please do not attempt to return items beyond our 14 DAY exchange policy.
- We have changed our policy and do not hold sizes anymore, a gift card will be sent to you as soon as we receive your return and you choose the item you would like to exchange for.
- Please include packing slip OR your own note with your name and order number.
- Buyer assumes all return/exchange shipping costs unless we made a mistake.
- Ship your returned merchandise at your own discretion, but we do encourage you to use a form of delivery confirmation, as the responsibility of the items is yours once delivered.
- All clearance items are final sales, no refunds on clearance items!
Returns made to
Charlotte Heart Boutique
566 Hillcrest
Stephenville, TX 76401
Once returned, your items will be processed in 3-7 business. A gift card will be sent via email.
We can ship to virtually any address in the USA. Note that there are restrictions on some addresses. We ship with USPS and UPS to better serve everyone. There will be free shipping offered to any orders over $100.
Please note that we make no guarantees on expediated shipping as that is out of our control once it leaves Charlotte Heart.
We will offer a local pickup in Stephenville...choose local pickup when checking out.