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Charlotte 💗 Favorites!!!
Our Story
   Charlotte Heart offers a mixture of clothing, accessories, goodies, and more! We are a mom & daughter duo from Stephenville, Texas who have a love for fashion. I just graduated from Tarleton State Univeristy with a degree in Petroleum Geology, sounds crazy, I know. My mother has been a real estate agent for 20 years! However, we have always dreamed of working in the fashion industry and we are MAKING that dream come true!!!
   We named our boutique after my grandmother, Charlotte. She was diagnosed with breast cancer the same time my mother found out she was pregnant with me, Dally. She always says, "I was her will to live." So she is our WILL to start our dream!!
   We strive to make Charlotte Heart better every day through customer service and finding specialty products you won't see anywhere else! We adore our customers and are so grateful for your friendship and business!
Dally & Cindy Friedrich

Local Delivery Service
We do offer a pickup location for local Stephenville residents!!!💗 Use code
"freeshipping" at checkout.